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"consistency of message in achieving good health and safety outcomes"

Why turn your induction training process into a video 

Consistency of message

It will save you money

Some of our Clients

RED STAG TIMBER "Safety Induction Presentation" 

EQC Earthquake Commission "A Land in Motion" 

Ministry of Justice - CEPTED "Crime Prevetion Through Envronmental Design"

SIG Whakatane Mill LTD "Induction Traning Video"

New Zealand Police "Tazer training"

Woodside Energy Ltd (Australia) "Safety Culture"

EVONIK (Australia) "Safety Culture Presentation"

Life Saving Rules for SIG Whakatane Mill LTD

We have much experience in producing Safety & Induction video content for Industrial Factories. If you are looking to turn your Safety or Induction presentations into videos, you will find that we have a very high standard of content.

    When putting a video together for a client, we will customise a look and feel to suit your brand.

    We can work with you to produce scripts and if needed you can use our script content writer based in Sydney.

  Video has a consistent message in achieving good health and safety outcomes. Video can help to control costs. Yearly audits for works can be done as individuals and in their downtime, Keeping production running. Some contractors may be able to do their Safty Audit of the site on their own time.



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